#1 Personal Protection Mobile App
GloBeam is a part of the United A.I. Network® and is protected by 17 U.S. patents with numbers: 7533808, 8625838, 8191774, 8500011, 8870068, 9288197, 9390417, 9858576, 9866386, 9886693, 10163158, 10326594, 10521798, 10680821, 10713661, 10922754, and 10992471.
Facing the Reality
- Young women are exposed to very high risks. According to a survey conducted in the United States by the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, nearly 18 percent of women reported they had been raped while incapacitated by alcohol or drugs prior to college. The survey also revealed that about 15 percent of women reported they had been raped while incapacitated by alcohol or drugs during their first year in college.
- Around 18.3 million women in the US are the victims of stalking during their lifetime. Men are also stalked and around 5.7% (nearly 6.5 million) of US men experience stalking at some point in their life. Most of them are stalked by someone they know. They are traumatized by the stalkers and the negative impacts can last for their lifetime.
- Senior people are exposed to many high risks. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of senior people fall each year. In fact, more than one out of four senior people falls each year. Over 3 million senior people a year are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries. Over 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury. The total medical costs for falls are more than $50 billion per year.
- Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are heart and blood vessel conditions that remain the leading cause of premature death in the United States. Annually, over 800,000 people in the U.S. have a heart attack. One in five heart attack victims did not know that he/she had the heart attack risk. All the CVD-related expenses cost the U.S. around $219 billion each year. By 2035, the medical costs and productivity losses are expected to reach about $1.1 trillion.
- Even if a normal healthy person stays at home all the time, he/she can become a victim of burglary. According to the FBI statistics, on average, a burglary happens once every 30 seconds in the United States. That adds up to two burglaries every minute and about 3,000 burglaries per day. Many burglaries have caused other additional crimes, such as assault, murder, raping, kidnapping, etc.
- There are many other unpredictable risks. For example, over 500,000 people went missing in 2020 in the United States and more than 300,000 were kids. One out of seven missing kids who never came back was probably a sex trafficking victim. There are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking around the world, about 25% of them are children, about 75% of them are women and girls.
- Children in school are not free of risks. A study conducted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine found that 24.7% students bullied other students occasionally while 2.8% did it very frequently. 49% of children in grades 4 to 12 had been bullied by other students at least once. For students who had been bullied, 29% reported being bullied in classrooms; 29% in the hallway or at their lockers; 23% in cafeterias; 12% in the bathrooms; and 6% on the playground.
- Even recreation is not free of risks. According to a study conducted by The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 200,000 people were treated each year in emergency departments for injuries caused by outdoor recreational activities, such as hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, snowboarding, sledding, etc. Of those injured, more than fifty percent (50+%) were young people. For both men and women of all ages, the most common injuries were fractures (27.4 percent) and sprains (23.9 percent). Of these, most injuries were to the arms or legs (52 percent) or to the head or neck (23.3 percent). Overall, 6.5 percent of outdoor injuries treated were diagnosed as traumatic brain injury (TBI).
- About 85% of all emails are spam. Scams comprise 2.5% of all spam emails. Identity theft makes up 73% of email scams. Over 80% of all organizations have been targeted by email scams. Overall, email scams cost businesses over $18 billion every year.
- Employees of businesses frequently open email attachments or click on links inside emails from the people they know. This is the most common security flaw because hackers and fraudsters often send emails, posing to be the people known to the email recipients. The same common security flaw also applies to individuals.
- On average, one ransomware attack occurs about every 10 seconds. About $10 billion (or more) are lost every year due to ransomware attacks. Phishing emails are the cause of two-thirds of ransomware infections. About 9% of the American population has been a victim of a ransomware attack at some point.
- GloBeam can protect you in both the real world and the digital world.
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Personal Protection in Real World and Digital World
Have you downloaded the free GloBeam mobile app
to protect yourself from life threats, cyberattacks, accounting frauds, bank frauds, identity theft, email scams, email compromises, ransomware, and phishing?
You can live happily like Mary, Alan, and many others.

GloBeam is Easy to Use
Mary GloBeamed her email to Alan by adding certify@globeam.com next to Alan’s email address as a recipient of her email.
Mary also wrote a reminder – “Certified by GloBeam” – at the top of her email contents. Then, just one click on her mobile app. Done!
GloBeam Members Are Happier
After GloBeaming Mary’s email, Alan confidently opened the email attachment, clicked on the URL link, and responded happily.
Frequently Asked QuestionsGloBeam Membership is Free
Join GloBeam today to protect yourself,
your family members and friends in the digital world.
9401 Oakdale Avenue, Chatsworth, CA 91311
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Artificial Intelligence technology to prevent crimes in advance.